Knitting Hats

It seems I have been away from my blog. I wish to say I have been knitting like crazy but I have been a little lazy. I am just getting back into the groove.

I made two baable hats for people through my Etsy store and then knitted just for me. I have decided to load my project bag with a few patterns I have been wanting to try and made myself work them out.

Here are a few pictures of what I have finished. Have a great week!

Trees and Snow

I came across this pattern on Ravelry and just had  to make it. It is called the Snowfall Hat. 

My mom is drawn to anything with cables and I am drawn to colorowork. I just love it.

When I started this one my mom instantly said it was hers. Of course I agreed. It looks great!

My mom and dad modeling hats. Mom made my nephew a simple beanie and dad was trying it on for size. They look great. 

Of course I couldn’t leave out my little sister. She loves having her picture taken. The Pom Pom on the hat really finishes it off. 

Halfway At Last

I am one of those knitters who must tackle one project before beginning another. I know that my personality of loosing interest would cause me to cast on endless projects only to put aside to begin something else. Ultimately never finishing any. Therefore it is a one at a time for me.

Currently I have been stuck on a Hudson Bay inspired wool baby blanket. I have no idea why I started this except that it was so darn cute. It has become my nightmare knit. It is taking forever!  

This weekend I took it camping and managed to get in quite a bit of time working on it. I am now officially about three rows over halfway!  Now to finish so I can begin all the things I need to get done before fall. 

The Baable Sheep Pattern

Last fall I found the Shetland Wool Week Newsletter that contained the Baable Hat pattern. It is the loveliest little hat ever. I just love knitting it.  I mean really who doesn’t love a hat with sheep on it. 

I even made one with border collies on it. Then shipped it to Sweden. 

This pattern became the most requested item that I make. I have made more than I care to think about and still have several to get done for friends who have requested them. 

If you have not made this pattern it is a must to do soon. It knits up super fast and is cute no matter what color way you choose. The imagination is the limit. Just search it on google and you can see hundreds of examples.
The hardest thing I was asked to make was a pair of mittens with the pattern. Considering I had never done mittens before it was outside my comfort zone. However it did push me to make my husband a pair of mittens in the basic pattern. Then I forged ahead. 

I think they turned out pretty darn cute. 

Finally Something For the Hubby

I made my first pair of mittens. He has been asking for about a year for me to make them. I finally attempted and got them done. 

I traveled along to take some cows to the sale barn. I figured the 4 hour drive was a perfect excuse to sit and knit. I was right. I finished the second one before we got home. 

They turned out better than I thought. They are extra big because he wanted to wear them over his gloves.