Latest Knitting Adventure 

While in Iowa this summer I visited a lovely yarn shop. One of their displays was a very cute pair of slippers called Mukluks. These are the cutest things. 

I made one and have the other mostly done. I thought I would make these for myself, but alas my son has taken them. He said they are so comfy.  

I will post better pictures when I have the other finished. Hopefully tonight. 


A Little Stowaway 

Life on the ranch is always filled with new adventures and excitement and yesterday was no different. 

My puppy, who at 9 months is really looking more like a dog than a pup, is quite the busy bee. She is always chasing a rabbit or harassing the kittens. Well yesterday I looked outside to see a raccoon hiding from Boo under my truck. Yes, a coon was under my vehicle. The major problem is that I had less than an hour before I needed to head to town. 

I kept my eye on my vehicle as the raccoon disappeared up into my engine compartment. I hoped it would make its way out before I left. 

On my way to town, I never heard a sound and really prayed that as I was getting ready it made its way out into the pasture. 

Low and behold as John and I were waiting for his football practice to begin, we heard a sound. Yes, it was in there. I gathered up the nerve to open the hood. The poor guy was so hit from the engine heat. 

We went to John’s game with hopes it would climb out and go into the large spruce tree in front of my truck. Well no such luck. JJ grabbed it by the tail and threw it towards the tree. We Ll stayed way back just in case it decided to eat JJ. 

It landed on its feet and scurried under the tree. A few moments later several birds flew out a little ways up. I felt safe saying it was now I that tree, and now the problem of the high school.  


Swedish Slippers

I have had so much fun the last couple of days knitting up these slippers. It was so easy and I can’t wait to make myself a pair.  

I found these as a kit at the Nebraska  Fiber Fair in Mitchell on Saturday. Linda George of Rocky Mountain Mittens had a wonderful assortment of already knit items and kits with the pattern included. 

These were so fun, that I made my sister a pair.