Monday’s Commute


How does Monday get here so fast?   I don’t know but it seems like it is always here before I’m ready.   Loganne, my dear favorite and only daughter, had volleyball practice at 6:30 am. My dear hubby left at 5:45 to take her to town. I was cooking for our last group of hunters. Then I ran my favorite son, and only son to the bus stop.

While driving back in from the highway, I was thinking of my daily commute. It is not a jam packed, traffic jammed mess. Instead I get to see wildlife. I see the sun rising to bless us with the day. It is a relaxing time of reflection and prayer. I can say I would like a Starbucks every now and then, but how blessed is this view.

I need to remind myself when I get lonely and start wanting some interaction with other adults, that being out in the middle of nowhere, with no friends or neighbors to see, is a great thing.  Welcome Monday, let’s get this week going.

Jalapeño Galore


Well my brother in law brought a large sack of jalapeños from my mother’s bountiful garden in Tennessee. I have no luck with gardens in this climate.

I decided to can those bad boys. Do I know how? Of course not. But hey, it’s on the net somewhere I’m sure. After looking I came up with my own version adopted from others I saw. Did I mention these are hot!! But so good.